Phone: 800-366-3773
Advanced bladder cancer risk assessment and procedurals

Are you looking for specialized tests for suspected bladder cancer? Lincoln Reference Laboratory is your ideal resort for licensed urovysion tests in NY. With a superlative team of technologists & medical experts, we provide compassionate care to each of the patients with complete attention to detail and accuracy.

All your deep-seated fears are well attended to at our diagnostic center. We believe in keeping our client’s compelling needs in due consideration to improve upon our customer services for urovysion testing in NY.

Lincoln Reference Laboratory’s urology testing offers our clients a vast range of procedures, from ordinary PSA tests to complex methods of kidney stones detection and biopsy.

Whether it is regular or recommended for the first time, we take utmost care of all the pre-test preparations to ensure that all goes smoothly for you. Keep your doctor updated about any other health condition you’re suffering from to avoid any unforeseen repercussions later.

Contact us for more information.